Posted by Kanokpan Boonpor on July 12, 2024
@neon_vrk “One day in the life of a mother involves doing many things. It’s tough when you have to use a large breast pump and sit holding the funnel for 20-30 minutes each time, unable to move around. Probably won’t get much else done 😅. Some days, pumping breast milk becomes a battle, 6-8 times a day, quite time-consuming. So, I’ve been looking for a wireless breast pump for convenience and ease in a mother’s life. Attitude Mom ‘Easy Life II’, a Thai brand that I proudly recommend, is quiet, lightweight, and fits our needs perfectly. It can be worn under clothes and used while working, feeding, washing bottles, eating, driving—basically anywhere! No need to stay in one place or hold onto any funnels. Oh, it’s just wonderful! Mama loves it 🤍 @attitudemom_thailand”